From Kirsten

To every soul I have been blessed to meet in person - I thank you for your open hearts and exceptional hospitality for every lunch and dinner you have all blessed me with and the lovely company! 

I have now completed my 3 week trip - loved every minute of it - but now I am ready to go home and be with my loved ones, and serve God’s mission in my own countryi

This church is very special, because your Pastor Michael Simone, his wife Gail Simone, the entire crew, the people attending this church - are ALL amazing and devoted to God. You bless each other with such empathy and kindness and you bless the countries you support in your efforts to improve the life quality of the poor and the needing. Thank you once again for supporting Denmark’s hosting of the Global Leadship Summit - you make a huge difference and we love you all for giving your precious time, money and love to bless us with your presence and professional assistance. When ever you feel God’s calling, come to the GLS in DK and I will personally organize a day trip to Sweden and be your guide :-) for a whole day! If you come in private - look me up and I will pamper YOU!

I pray we will stay connected for many years to come, and until I come back, that you’ll be my friends on social media. Our “winner” from the brunch was happy with the House-coaching hours, and so was i - it was a beatifull experience for both of us. She will share with you when she is ready, the first hour as a “caterpillar”, the process of “becoming a butterfly” and the end result of finally flying as a beautifull butterfly with her family. I will guide her all the way and she will guide you with her testemony <3 This is called Pay it Forward - giving a Home with a Heart! If you need help, please forward an email with photos and your story, and I will respond with an estimated time for my help. You can take back your home and open your life to new possiblities by giving yourself my Video-course - the special 33% discount will continue this whole year: Write: springbranch as a discount code (shop 

God bless you and this church.

With love and gratitude

Kirsten Steno

Coffee Fairy


Coffee Fairy

Black. No cream. No sugar. Iced, preferably. That’s how I like my coffee. I used to drink sugary Frappuccino’s and pumpkin spice lattes, but then I turned into a super health freak for a short stint in my life. As I write this, I’m eating a donut, so please note the word “short.” Though my diet isn’t perfect, I still love a big cup of black coffee. If you are more of a “tea” person then I would love to sit down with you over a cup of- coffee and find out more about how you really get your energy. Until then, please find and replace with the word “tea” as you read on through this chapter.

Coffee plays a big part in our lives other than giving us liveliness for our day. When I really think about coffee, I think about all the important things that happen around it. A cup of Joe can last as long as you need a conversation to continue- or it can be chugged if you really need a conversation to end. I’ve had a guy ask me out over a cup of coffee at 6 in the morning. I’ve broken up with someone over a cup of coffee. I’ve pondered life with friends while sipping on an Americano. I’ve had small groups meet over coffee. I’ve laughed with my mother about silly things from my childhood while drinking iced coffee in the hot sun of Florida. As I continue to connect the dots, I see that this simple drink that starts from a bean can bring people together. It almost seems like it can make us vulnerable, which is a good thing and a bad thing in itself. We crave our coffee in the morning like we crave intimacy and honesty between friends, family, and significant others. Maybe we are addicted to it; to the feeling it gives us?

As much as I love enjoying a cup of coffee with friends, it ends up being the simpler moments by myself where I feel even more rejuvenated. Every morning I sit in bed with a cup of coffee and have my personal devotional time, cuddled under the warmth of my comforter as the sun leaks in through my windows. I sit and talk with God, write down things that are going on in my life and just take in the beauty of peace and the smell of a dark French roast. I could stay in this moment all day. Sometimes these moments happen in a bustling coffee shop as I drown out passing conversations and loud blenders. Now and again when I look up, it’s as if God was sitting there the whole time enjoying a cup of coffee with me. That’s the cool thing about being in a relationship with Him- you never really feel alone. His warmth is always there, even if it’s in a coffee mug and a silent prayer in Starbucks.

Between working a full time job, being heavily involved in student ministry, and lots of trips to the gym, I end up drinking a lot of coffee- more than I can afford. I make as much at home as I can and drink out at Starbucks when I can’t. Let’s just say I’ve been a gold member for a while now. One day, I woke up to a pleasant surprise. I had received a $50 Starbucks gift card signed anonymously with something like, “Hey, I know you are going through big transitions in your life and you are doing a lot in student ministry and at your church. Here is something to keep you going. You deserve it.” I couldn’t believe that someone would do that for me. My life truly was scary and exhausting for me in that season as I graduated college and was stepping into full time ministry. But, why would anyone truly care or pity me for all the hours that I spent running myself to the ground with high school students? It was my choice after all. I had no idea who sent it and to this day, over a year later, I still don’t know, but whenever that card runs low my coffee fairy reloads it. It’s as if they know that this little aspect of my life, my cup of coffee, means so much to me. Or maybe, it’s the people I share it with that truly bring value to this crazy story I’m writing.

Last summer I took a mission trip to Nicaragua with the high school students of Spring Branch. We spent some time in the mountains of Matagalpa and I fell in love with the people there. Our translator Pedro told us that Matagalpa is known for its coffee and that Starbucks even sources some of their product from this beautiful area of Nicaragua. I was amazed! Pedro continued to tell us that his family runs a coffee farm, but their sales have been so low for the past couple of months that they were thinking of closing down. This was devastating to him, to me, and not just for selfish reasons of my need for coffee. Our team got together and decided that we loved coffee enough to buy 40 bags of coffee from his family’s coffee farm. That same trip, the director of OrphaNetwork bought 20 bags just for himself. Pedro couldn’t believe it. In a matter of 5 days, his family’s business made enough profit to stay open and stay selling coffee. More than just bringing income to a family in need, we brought hope. That week, we were Pedro’s coffee fairies.

As I look at this magical drink, I realized I want my relationships to look just like my cup of coffee. I want them to be strong. I want them to be real without all the added extras. I want them to be something I come to every day as a reminder of how much I need them in my life.  Most of all, I want them to be diverse. I’ve tried a thousand different flavors of coffee, all of which have slight differences that make them unique. I welcome these diverse relationships into my life with open arms knowing that each one will shape me differently and allow me to see something new each day. Ephesians 3:12 says, “When we trust in him, we’re free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go.” My new prayer is to be bolder like God, like my dark cups of coffee because they seem to get the job done and with more love. As I look at my relationship with God, I can only hope that it is the strongest relationship I’ll ever tend to. It may sometimes feel bitter, but it’s bold and it’s a recipe I’ll be working on my whole life.

Ashley Gillies, Pastoral Assistant at Spring Branch, Writer, Evening Edition Girlfriends Group Member


I am so glad I joined!

I am a newcomer to the Women’s Connection and am co-facilitating the study on Wednesday mornings.  I am a part of the “Girlfriends” group, which is women in their 20s and 30s.  Often, as a 31-year-old working mom of two very young boys, the thought of adding anything extra to my week intimidates me.  So, when I considered joining and co-facilitating a Bible study, I thought hard about if I could realistically make it work.  And then I just joined.


The Girlfriends group is studying Angie Smith’s Bible study called “Seamless: Understanding the Bible as one Complete Story”.  In this book, Angie lays out a user-friendly overview of the Bible that brings clarity to the long and often intimidating text of our Christian faith.  Angie takes on this great task with something I’ve never experienced in a Bible study book—humor! Her wisdom and sincerity illuminate the details of the Bible, drawing us closer to God.  I like how she highlights themes in the Bible—drawing attention to not only the redemptive and transformational themes from the Old Testament that point toward Christ, but also noting how numbers and phrases signal times of testing or repeated problems. Connecting the dots emphasizes the purpose and message of the Bible—to connect us to the God who saves us.


Typically, as I look back on my life, even the past few months feel pretty blurry.  But when I notice what is different since I joined the Women’s Connection Girlfriends group last spring, a number of themes stand out to me.  Comfort, belonging, depth, support, and spiritual growth are all the welcomed results of closely studying the Bible with new friends.  These friends get it— the blurriness, the hustle, and the need for a calm sense of support and encouragement.  They also desire to have God clearly emerge from the long and often intimidating times of their lives.  Yesterday morning during large group, while rain poured outside, I was moved by the coziness of our group who cheered for each other as long years of prayer were answered.  I am so glad I joined.

Ruthie Weiglein, Facilitator in The Women's Connection at SBCC

Never Stop Growing

My five year old grandson Coleman and I have had a running exchange between us since he was probably three.  I will look at him with his adorable cheeks, pudgy body and oh so cute mannerisms and say plaintively, “Coleman, would you PLEASE stop growing?!”  And he will quickly look back at me with a twinkle in his eye and emphatically respond, “No!  I won’t stop growing – I’ve gotta get BIG!”  Despite my pleas for him to remain a toddler forever, it won’t happen.  He’s hard-wired to grow and there is no stopping him, no holding him back.

Much the same way, God has hard-wired us to grow up in Him.  We start as babies, drinking in the revelation that God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. It is as milk to an infant – what we crave most in our deepest parts.  As it says is in 1 Peter 2:2 - “Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God’s pure kindness. Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God.”   As sweet a time as infancy is, God doesn’t want us to remain as infants – He desires that we grow up and mature into fully devoted followers of Christ. 

But maybe that doesn’t happen as surely our physical growth does – it requires a commitment from us to pursue maturity in our faith through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study, worship and communing with those who are also in the family of God.

At Spring Branch Women, we are committed to helping you grow in your faith and in building your community with other women.  Our theme verse for this year echoes our heart’s desire: I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding (Philippians 1:9).  It is our prayer that through each of our groups, you will find abundant love and acceptance and a place where you can grow in your knowledge and understanding of the amazing God who loves you beyond measure.  It doesn’t matter where you are along your faith journey – you are welcome just where you are.  But we hope that you won’t want to stay there, that like my grandson you will refuse to stay stagnant and say boldly, “I won’t stop growing – I’ve gotta get BIG!”  Big indeed - big faith, big love, big joy.  It’s all yours – just take that first step, even if it feels shaky.  We’ll be there - and so will God.

Janet Phillips, SBCC women's leader